Paper’s insulation value is highly competitive, and WrapPak® Protector offers unique solutions that help you to make the most of paper’s insulating power.

That means a wide range of benefits across many different cold-chain applications – protecting perishable products that include groceries, meat, meals, and other food ingredients.


  • Sustainable
    100% paper – recyclable, renewable, biodegradable.
  • Thermal protection
    Excellent thermal protection for up to 48 hours, for ambient, chilled, and frozen products. Virtually the same thermal protection as plastics.
  • Cost efficient
    On-demand: save on storage, trans­portation, and handling. Reduced labor time, with pads created on-demand, in pre-sized and pre-cut batches.
  • Aesthetics
    A unique unboxing experience for customers, from a strong, 100% paper solution.

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    Cold Chain

    WrapPak® Protector

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